- ambu vaha srotas - The bodily channels carrying water. The roots or governors of this channel are the pancreas, soft palate, and choroid plexus in the brain. Its pathway is the mucus membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and the openings are the kidneys, tongue, and sweat glands.
- anna vaha srotas - the channels transporting grains or food, the digestive system, alimentary canal.
- apana - one of the five types of vata, which goes downward and is responsible for excretion/expulsion of feces, flatus, urine, menstrual blood etc.
- karma yoga - One of the main paths to liberation; the path of taking positive action and surrendering the fruits of all actions to the Divine.
- khavaigunya - Any weak or defective space in the body that exists because of past trauma, chronic disease, or hereditary influence and becomes a place where aggravated doshas can easily lodge and create disorder.
- pitta - One of the three doshas, made up of the fire and water elements; governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism, and body temperature.
- prakruti: 1) the first creation, the great ocean from whence comes all life, or 2) the individual inborn or genetic constitution.
- prana - The vital life force without which life cannot exist and which is primarily taken in through the breath; the flow of cellular intelligence that governs cellular communication, sensory perception, motor responses, and all subtle electrical impulses of the body; the subtle essence of vata dosha. Prana has a functionally integrated relationship with ojas and tejas.
- prana vaha srotas - The bodily channels that take in and carry prana, or life force. The roots or governors of this channel are the left chamber of the heart and the entire gastrointestinal tract. The channel continues along the respiratory tract and bronchial tree, including the alveoli, and opens at the nose.
- prana vayu - One of the five subtypes of vata dosha, prana moves inward and downward and is associated with the nervous system, where it governs all sensory functions and maintains attention, and with the lungs, where it governs the inhalation aspect of respiration.
- pranayama: special breathing exercises. See Chapter XII, Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing. Also spelled as prana yama
- purisha agni - The fire component of the membranous structure surrounding the organs of the excretory system, it governs the elimination of feces. It also helps to absorb liquids and minerals, forms the stools, and maintains the temperature and color of the feces.
- purisha vaha srotas - The bodily channel that carries feces; the root or governor of this channel is the cecum, rectum, and sigmoid colon. The pathway of the channel is the large intestine, and the opening or mouth of this channel is the anal orifice.
- rajas - One of the three universal gunas (triguna) or qualities of consciousness; the principle of kinetic energy; active, mobile, and responsible for all movements.
- rakta agni - The fire component present in the blood, it is responsible for the digestion and assimilation of nutrients that nourish blood tissue.
- rakta dhatu - blood; one of the seven bodily tissues, rakta consists of red blood cells, and in Ayurveda is a separate tissue from the plasma (rasa dhatu). Its main functions include maintenance of life, oxygenation, and transportation of nutrients. Rakta is said by Sushruta to be the fourth dosha because ultimately all untreated disorders will affect the blood, and because unhealthy blood causes systemic problems in the same way that an aggravated dosha does.
- rakta moksha - bloodletting or blood cleansing, one of the five cleansing actions of pancha karma; a specific treatment for removing excess pitta and blood purification.
- rasa - juice, taste, flavor, essence, liquid, fluid. More commonly rasa refers to taste; the tanmatra relating to water element; the subtle quality of the water element that exists in objects, allowing them to be sensed by taste; the first experience of food in the mouth; there are six tastes in our diet - sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent.
- Sama Veda - The third of the Four Vedas.
- Sankhya - A major school of Indian philosophy founded by the sage Kapila. It gives Ayurveda a systematic account of cosmic evolution according to 25 categories - purusha, cosmic spirit; prakruti, creative energy; mahad (mahat), cosmic intelligence; ahamkara, the individuating principle or “I-maker”; manas, the individual mind; indriyani, the 10 sense faculties and motor facilities; tanmatras, the five subtle elements; and pancha maha bhutas, the five gross elements.
- triphala: an herbal medication consisting of three Indian herbs (Haritaki, Amalaki, and Bibhitaki), often used to aid elimination.
- vikruti - Unnatural, imbalanced, or modified state; the current state of the individual, as opposed to prakruti, the original state of the constitution; a state of the body and mind in which the individual is more prone to disease.
- vata - One of the three doshas, vata is associated with ether and air elements. It governs all movements and activities in the body.
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